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and Bailey, Battleground Berlin, pp. 378–81.


Memorandum for the Record, April 22, 1976, Subject: Assassination of Stefan Bandera, 2; Hood, Mole, p. 118.


Memorandum for the Record, April 22, 1976, Subject: Assassination of Stefan Bandera, 2.


CIA Memo, Subject: Meeting with UPHILL representative, Friday, 26 May 1961, p. 2, Stephen Bandera Name File, vol. 2, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 6. Michał Goleniewski personal file, Archives of the Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej (Warsaw), IPN BU 01911/97/1; Tennent H. Bagley, Spy Wars: Moles, Mysteries and Deadly Games (New Haven, CT, 2007), 48–49; Leszek Pawlikowicz, Tajny front zimnej wojny: Uciekinierzy zpolskich służb specjalnych, 1956–1964 (Warszaw, 2004), 217ff.


Murphy, Kondrashev and Bailey, Battleground Berlin, pp. 343–46.


Memorandum for Chief, S[oviet] R[ussia Division], August 24, 1961, 1–2, Stephen Bandera Name File, vol. 2, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 6.


Chief of Station, Germany, to Chief of S[oviet] R[ussia Division], EGOA 15811, October 10, 1961, Aerodynamic: Operations, vol. 22, f. 1, 1–2, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-19, B 14; Memorandum for the Record, April 22, 1976, Subject: Assassination of Stefan Bandera, p. 5; Юрій Луканов, “Він називав себе ‘Микола Среда, українець з Сумщини’”, Газета по-українськи, 18 грудня 2012 <http://gazeta.ua/articles/comments-newspaper/_vin-nazivav-sebe-mikola-sereda-ukrajinec-iz-sumschini/473040>; “Процес у Карлсруге”, Московські вбивці, с. 256.


Memorandum for the Record, April 22, 1976, Subject: Assassination of Stefan Bandera, p. 2.


Kempe, Berlin 1961, pp. 405–7; John F. Kennedy, “Remarks on Signing Peace Corps Bill,” September 22, 1961, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum <http://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset-Viewer/Archives/JFKPOF-035–045.aspx >.


“Процес у Карлсруге”, Московські вбивці, с. 252–254, фото у додатку після с. 695; Anders, Mord auf Befehl, фото після с. 32.


“Процес у Карлсруге”, Московські вбивці, с. 178, 255; Memorandum for the Record, April 22, 1976, Subject: Assassination of Stefan Bandera, p. 2.


“Процес у Карлсруге”, Московські вбивці, с. 255–256.


Julia Lalande, “‘Building a Home Abroad’: A Comparative Study of Ukrainian Migration, Immigration Policy and Diaspora Formation in Canada and Germany after the Second World War,” PhD diss., University of Hamburg (Düsseldorf, 2006), pp. 347–52; Московські вбивці, 255–256; Свідчення «Курта» [Гайнца Фельфе], копія підписана майором Чубенком 23 липня 1969, Дело оперативной разработки. Кличка “Тарас”, т.7, л. 214–216.


“Geheimdienste. Bart ab,” Der Spiegel, November 29, 1961 <http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-43367666.html>.


Anders, Murder to Order, pp. 115–16.


Who Actually Killed Ukrainian Nationalist Stepan Bandera, pp. 3–13; Правда про те, хто справді вбив Степана Бандеру. Чорні діла геленівської розвідки (Toronto: Canadian Slavonic Committee, 1961), с. 5–22.


“Spione,” Der Spiegel, June 27, 1962; “Процес в Kарлсруге,” Московські вбивці, с. 265–266; Norman J. W. Goda, “CIA Files Related to Heinz Felfe, SS Officer and KGB Spy,” <http://www.fas.org/sgp/eprint/goda.pdf>; Murphy, Kondrashev, and Bailey, Battleground Berlin, pp. 435–39. Евгений Примаков и др., Очерки истории российской внешней разведки, в 6-ти тт. (M., 2002), 5:127; Chief of Base, Bonn, to Chief, E[astern] E[urope Division], EGMA27257, March 23, 1964, Subject: Protocol of Felfe Trial, 36–37, Heinz Felfe Name File, vol. 3, f. 2, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 16; CIA Report, “KGB Exploitation of Heinz Felfe: Successful KGB Penetration of a Western Intelligence Service,” 120–122, NARA, RG 263, CIA Subject Files, Second Release, Box 1.


Andrew and Gordievsky, KGB: The Inside Story, pp. 384–385; Marc Fisher, “E. Germany Ran Antisemitic Campaign in West in 60s,” Washington Post, February 28, 1993.


Vladislav M. Zubok, “Spy vs. Spy: The KGB vs. the CIA,” Cold War International History Project, CWIHP Bulletin 4 (Fall 1994): 22–33.


Who Actually Killed Ukrainian Nationalist Stepan Bandera, pp. 13–16; Bandera File, Memorandum for the Record, April 22, 1976, Subject: Assassination of Stefan Bandera, p. 9.


Московські вбивці, с. 50–55.


Memorandum for the Record, April 22, 1976, Subject: Assassination of Stefan Bandera, p. 9; Московські вбивці, с. 50–55.


“Geheimdienste. Bart ab,” Der Spiegel, November 29, 1961; “Germans Hold Russian. Ex-Soviet Agent Reported to Admit Bandera Killing,” New York Times, November 18, 1961; “Ex-Red Agent Admits Killing 2 Exile Chiefs,” Chicago Daily Tribune, November 18, 1961.


Московські вбивці, с. 55–57, 62–63; Леонид Млечин, Железный Шурик (M., 2004), гл. 5.


Frank A. Mayer, “Adenauer and Kennedy: An Era of Distrust in German-American Relations?” German Studies Review 17, no. 1 (February 1994): 83–104.


Sydney Gruson, “Kroll Proposed Thaw to Moscow. German Asked Khrushchev for ‘Grand Reconciliation,’” New York Times, November 18, 1961, pp. A1, 6; “New York Times Chronology (November 1961),” John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum <http://www.jfklibrary.org/Research/Ready-Reference/New-York-Times-Chronology/Browse-by-Date/New-York-Times-Chronology-November-1961.aspx>.


“President Kennedy delivers major policy speech at UW on November 16, 1961,” HistoryLink.org <http://www.historylink.org/index.cfm?DisplayPage=output.cfm&File_Id=968>.


FRUS, 1961–63, volume 14, Berlin Crisis, 1961–1962 (Washington, D.C., 1993), nos. 218, 219; White House Photographs, “Luncheon in honor of Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of West Germany,” November 21, 1961, 1:00 p.m., John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum <http://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset-Viewer/Archives/JFKWHP-1961–11–21-A.aspx>.


FRUS, 1961–63, vol. 14, no. 219; Mayer, “Adenauer and Kennedy: An Era of Distrust in German-American Relations?”


Московські вбивці, с. 67–68; Charles H. Pullen, The Life and Times

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