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Перейти на сторінку:
Political Biography. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001).

R.E. Elson. The Idea of Indonesia: A History. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008).

Herbert Feith. The Decline of Constitutional Democracy in Indonesia. (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1962).

George Kahin. Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia. (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1970).

George Kahin and Audrey Kahin. Subversion as Foreign Policy: The Secret Eisenhower and Dulles Debacle in Indonesia. (New Press, New York, 1995).

J.D. Legge. Sukarno: A Political Biography. 3rd ed. (Archipelago Press, Singapore, 2003).

Daniel Lev. The Transition to Guided Democracy: Indonesian Politics 1957-59. (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1966).

Katharine McGregor. History in Uniform: Military Ideology and the Construction of Indonesia's Past. (NUS Press, Singapore, 2007).

Joshua Oppenheimer. The Act of Killing. (2012). [Documentary film].

Joshua Oppenheimer. The Look of Silence. (2014). [Documentary film].

Elizabeth Pisani. Indonesia etc.: Exploring the Improbable Nation. (Norton, New York, 2014).

M.C. Ricklefs. A History of Modern Indonesia. (Macmillan Education, London, 1981).

Geoffrey Robinson. The Dark Side of Paradise: Political Violence in Bali. (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1995).

Geoffrey Robinson. If You Leave Us Here, We Will Die: How Genocide Was Stopped in East Timor. (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2010).

Geoffrey Robinson. The Killing Season: A History of the Indonesian Massacres, 1965-66. (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2018).

John Roosa. Pretext for Mass Murder: The September 30th Movement and Suharto's Coup d'Etat in Indonesia. (University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 2006).

J. Sidel. Riots, Pogroms, Jihad: Religious Violence in Indonesia. (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 2006).

Bradley Simpson. Economists with Guns: Authoritarian Development and US.-In-donesian Relations, 1960-1968. (Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 2008).

Розділ 6. Відбудова Німеччини

Neal Bascomb. Hunting Eichmann. (Mariner, Boston, 2010).

Jillian Becker. Hitler's Children: The Story of the Baader-Meinhof Terrorist Gang, 3rd ed. (Pickwick, London, 1989).

Gordon Craig. The Germans. (Putnam, New York, 1982).

Norbert Frei. 1968: Jugendrevolte und Globaler Protest. (Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, Munchen, 2008).

Ulrich Herbert, ed. Wandlungsprozesse in Westdeutschland. (Wallstein, Gottingen, 2002).

Ulrich Herbert. Geschichte Deutschlands im 20. Jahrhundert. (C.H. Beck, Munchen, 2014).

Michael Hughes. Shouldering the Burden of Defeat: West German and the Reconstruction of Social Justice. (University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1999).

Peter Merseburger. Willy Brandt 1913-1992: Visionar und Realist. (Deutsche Verlags, Stuttgart, 2002).

Hans-Joachim Noack. Willy Brandt: Ein Leben, ein Jahrhundert. (Rowohlt, Berlin, 2013).

Andreas Rodder. Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1969-1990. (Oldenbourg, Munchen, 2004).

Axel Schildt. Die Sozialgeschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bis 1989/90. (Oldenbourg, Munchen, 2007).

Hanna Schissler, ed. The Miracle Years. (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2001).

Gregor Schollgen. Willy Brandt: Die Biographie. (Propylaen, Berlin, 2001).

Edith Sheffer. Burned Bridge: How East and West Germans Made the Iron Curtain. (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011).

Nathan Stoltzfus and Henry Friedlander, eds. Nazi Crimes and the Law. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008).

Nikolaus Wachsmann. KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps. (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 2015).

Hans-Ulrich Wehler. Deutsche Gesellschaftsgeschichte, vol. 5: Bundesrepublik und DDR 1949-1990. (C.H. Beck, Munchen, 2008).

Harald Welzer, Sabine Moller, and Karoline Tschuggnall. Opa war kein Nazi: Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust im Familiengedachtnis. (Fischer, Frankfurt, 2002).

Irmtrud Wojak. Fritz Bauer 1903-1968. (C.H. Beck, Munchen, 2011).

Alexei Yurchak. Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More: The Last Soviet Generation. (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2006).

Розділ 7. Австралія: хто ми такі?

Peter Brune. A Bastard of a Place: The Australians in Papua. (Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, Australia, 2003).

Anthony Burke. Fear of Security: Australia's Invasion Anxiety. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001).

James Curran and Stuart Ward. The Unknown Nation: Australia after Empire. (Melbourne University Press, Carlton South, Australia, 2010).

Peter Edwards. Crises and Commitments: The Politics and Diplomacy of Australia's Involvement in Southeast Asian Conflicts 1948-1965. (Allen & Unwin, North Sydney, Australia, 1992).

Marilyn Lake. British world or new world? History Australia 10, no. 3: 36-50 (2013).

Stuart Macintyre. A Concise History of Australia, 4th ed. (Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne, Australia, 2016).

Neville Meaney. The end of «white Australia» and Australia's changing perceptions of Asia, 1945-1990. Australian Journal of International Affairs 49, no. 2:171-189 (1995).

Neville Meaney. Britishness and Australia: Some reflections. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 31, no. 2:121-135 (2003).

Mark Peel and Christina Twomey. A History of Australia. (Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, UK, 2011).

Deryck Schreuder and Stuart Ward, ed. Australia's Empire. (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008).

Gwenda Tavan. The dismantling of the White Australia policy: Elite conspiracy or will of the Australian people? Australian Journal of Political Science 39, no. 1: 109-125 (2004).

David Walker. Anxious Nation: Australia and the Rise of Asia 1850-1939. (University of Queensland Press, St. Lucia, Australia, 1999).

Stuart Ward. Australia and the British Embrace: The Demise of the Imperial Ideal. (Melbourne University Press, Carlton South, Australia, 2001).

Frank Welsh. Australia: A New History of the Great Southern Land. (Overlook, New York, 2004).

Розділ 8. Що чекає Японію в майбутньому?

W.G. Beasley. The Japanese Experience: A Short History of Japan. (University of California Press, Berkeley, 1999).

Ian Buruma. The Wages of Guilt: Memories of War in Germany and Japan. (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 1994).

John Dower. Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War Two. (Norton, New York, 1999).

Eri Hotta. Japan 1941: Countdown to Infamy. (Knopf, New York, 2013).

McKinsey Global Institute. The Future of Japan: Reigniting Productivity and Growth. (McKinsey, Tokyo, 2015).

David Pilling. Bending Adversity: Japan and the Art of Survival. (Penguin, London, 2014).

Frances McCall Rosenblugh, ed. The Political Economy of Japan's Low Fertility. (Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 2007).

Sven Steinmo. The Evolution of Modern States: Sweden, Japan, and the United States. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010).

N.O. Tsuia and L.S. Bumpass, eds. Marriage, Work, and Family Life in Comparative Perspective: Japan, South Korea, and the United States. (University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 2004).

Lee Kuan Yew. From Third World to First: The Singapore Story: 1964-2000. (Harper-Collins, New York, 2000).

Розділи 9,10. Що чекає Сполучені Штати у майбутньому?

Larry Bartels. Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age, 2nd ed. (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2016).

Ari Berman. The Modern

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