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Income,” Atlantic, August 6, 2014, theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/08/why-arent-reformicons-pushing-a-guaranteed-basic-income/375600/.

416 Charles Murray and Andrews Stern (For), Jared Bernstein and Jason Furman (Against), “Universal Basic Income Is the Safety Net of the Future,” Intelligence Squared Debates, March 22, 2017, intelligencesquaredus.org/debates/universal-basic-income-safety-net-future. За підсумком дебатів, чотири відсотки аудиторії дійшли висновку, що базовий дохід потрібен, і 41 відсоток не підтримав реформу.

417 Kevin J. Delaney, “The Robot That Takes Your Job Should Pay Taxes, Says Bill Gates,” Quartz, February 17, 2017, qz.com/911968/bill-gates-the-robot-that-takes-your-job-should-pay-taxes/.

418 Ed Dolan, “Could We Afford a Universal Basic Income?” EconoMonitor, January 13, 2014, revised June 25, 2014, economonitor.com/dolanecon/2014/01/13/could-we-afford-a-universal-basic-income/.

419 Matt Bruenig and Elizabeth Stoker, “How to Cut the Poverty Rate in Half (It’s Easy),” The Atlantic, October 29, 2013, theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/10/how-to-cut-the-poverty-rate-in-half-its-easy/280971/.

420 “The Future of Work and the Proposal for a Universal Basic Income: A Discussion with Andy Stern, Natalie Foster, and Sam Altman,” held at Bloomberg Beta in San Francisco on June 27, 2016, raisingthefloor.splashthat.com.

421 Anne-Marie Slaughter, Unfinished Business (New York: Random House, 2015).

422 Anne-Marie Slaughter, “How the Future of Work May Make Many of Us Happier,” Huffington Post, huffingtonpost.com/annemarie-slaughter/future-of-work-happier_b_6453594.html. (останній перегляд: 4-го квітня 2017 року).

423 Anne-Marie Slaughter, in conversation with Tim O’Reilly and Lauren Smiley, “Flexibility Needed: Not Just for On Demand Workers,” Next:Economy Summit, San Francisco, October 10–11, 2015, safaribooksonline.com/library/view/next economy-2015-/9781491944547/video231631.html. (останній перегляд: 4-го квітня 2017 року).

424 “Fitness Trainers and Instructors,” Occupational Outlook Handbook, US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, bls.gov/ooh/personal-care-and-service/fitness-trainers-and-instructors.html. (останній перегляд: 4-го квітня 2017 року).

425 Ian Stewart, Debapratim De, and Alex Cole, “Technology and People: The Great Job-Creating Machine,” Deloitte, August 2015, deloitte.com/uk/en/pages/finance/articles/technology-and-people.html.

426 Zoe Baird and Emily Parker, “A Surprising New Source of American Jobs: China,” Wall Street Journal, May 29, 2015, wsj.com/articles/a-surprising-new-source-of-american-jobs-china-1432922899.

427 Laura Addati, Naomi Cassirer, and Katherine Gilchrist, Maternity and Paternity at Work: Law and Practice Across the World (Geneva: International Labor Organization, 2014), ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/---publ/documents/publication/wcms_242615.pdf.

428 “Education vs Prison Costs,” CNN Money, money.cnn.com/infographic/economy/education-vs-prison-costs/. (останній перегляд: 4-го квітня 2017 року).

429 Dave Hickey, “The Birth of the Big Beautiful Art Market,” Air Guitar (Los Angeles: Art Issues Press, 1997), 66–67.

430 Samuel Johnson, Rasselas, in Rasselas, Poems, and Selected Prose, ed. Bertrand H. Bronson (New York: Holt Rinehart&Winston, 1958), 572–73.

431 John Kell, “What You Didn’t Know About the Boom in Craft Beer,” Fortune, March 22, 2015, fortune.com/2016/03/22/craft-beer-sales-rise-2015/.

432 Fareeha Ali, “Etsy’s Sales, Sellers and Buyers Grow in Q1,” Internet Retailer, May 4, 2016, internetretailer.com/2016/05/04/etsys-sales-sellers-and-buyers-grow-q1.

433 Slaughter, “How the Future of Work May Make Many of Us Happier.”

434 Green, “Introducing the Internet Creators Guild.”

435 John Egger, “How Exactly Do Twitch Streamers Make a Living? Destiny Breaks It Down,” Dot Esports, April 21, 2015, dotesports.com/general/twitch-streaming-money-careers-destiny-1785.

436 Cory Doctorow, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom (New York: Tor Books, 2003).

437 Hickey, Air Guitar, 45.

438 Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food (New York: Penguin, 2008).

439 Dan Buettner, The Blue Zones, 2nd ed. (Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 2012).

440 Jennifer Pahlka, “Day One,” January 21, 2017, Medium, medium.com/@pahlkadot/day-one-39a0cd5bd886.

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441 Більше дивіться тут: “America’s Moment: Creating Opportunity in the Connected Age,” Markle Foundation, markle.org/rework-america/americas-moment.

442 Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz, “Human Capital and Social Capital: The Rise of Secondary Schooling in America, 1910 to 1940,” National Bureau of Economic Research, NBER Working Paper No. 6439, March 1998, doi:10.3386/w6439.

443 Nanette Asimov, “SF Reaches Deal for Free Tuition at City College,” SFGate, February 27, 2017, sfgate.com/bayarea/article/SF-reaches-deal-for-free-tuition-at-City-College-10912051.php.

444 “Former ambassador Jeffrey Bleich speaks on Trump, disruptive technology, and the role of education in a changing economy,” an edited transcript of the keynote address delivered by Jeffrey Bleich at Universities Australia’s higher education conference in Canberra on March 1, 2017, The Conversation, updated March 6, 2017, theconversation.com/former-ambassador-jeffrey-bleich-speaks-on-trump-disruptive-technology-and-the-role-of-education-in-a-changing-economy-73957.

445 Abraham Lincoln, “Lecture on Discoveries and Inventions,” April 6, 1858, Abraham Lincoln Online, abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/discoveries.htm. (останній перегляд: 4-го квітня 2017 року).

446 “Generative Design,” autodesk.com, autodesk.com/solutions/generative-design. (останній перегляд: 4-го квітня 2017 року).

447 “3D Makeover for Hyper-efficient Metalwork,” Arup, May 11, 2015, arup.com/news/2015_05_may/11_may_3d_makeover_for_hyper-efficient_metalwork.

448 Jef D. Boeke, George Church, Andrew Hessel, Nancy J. Kelley, et al., “The Genome Project-Write,” Science, July 8, 2016, 126–27, doi:10.1126/science.aaf6850. У доступнішій формі читайте тут: Sharon Begley, “Audacious Project Plans to Create Human Genomes from Scratch,” Stat, June 2, 2016, statnews.com/2016/06/02/project-human-genome-synthesis/.

449 “Revive&Restore: Genetic Rescue for Endangered and Extinct Species,” reviverestore.org. (останній перегляд: 4-го квітня 2017 року).

450 “CRISPR/Cas9 and Targeted Genome Editing: A New Era in Molecular Biology,” New England Biolabs, neb.com/tools-and-resources/feature-articles/crispr-cas9-and-targeted-genome-editing-a-new-era-in-molecular-biology. (останній перегляд: 4-го квітня 2017 року).

451 “Neurotechnology Provides Near-Natural Sense ofTouch,” DARPA, September 11, 2015, darpa.mil/news-events/2015-09-11.

452 Emily Reynolds, “This Mind-Controlled Limb Can Move Individual Fingers,” Wired, February 11, 2016, wired.co.uk/article/mind-controlled-prosthetics.

453 Elizabeth Dwoskin, “Putting a Computer in Your Brain Is No Longer Science Fiction,” Washington Post, August 25, 2016, washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/08/15/putting-a-computer-in-your-brain-is-no-longer-science-fiction/.

454 Bryan Johnson, “The Combination of Human and Artificial Intelligence Will Define Humanity’s Future,” TechCrunch, October 12, 2016, techcrunch.com/2016/10/12/the-combination-of-human-and-artificial-intelligence-will-define-humanitys-future/.

455 Tim Urban, “Neuralink and the Brain’s Magical Future,” Wait But Why, April 20, 2017, waitbutwhy.com/2017/04/neuralink.html.

456 Там само.

457 Цитата за: Tim Urban, “Neuralink and

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