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Chamberlain W. H. Russian Enigma. — N.–Y., 1943.

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Childe G. Danub in Prehistory. — Oxford, 1929.

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Choulguin W. L’Ukraine et le Cauchemar Rouge. — Par., 1927.

Choulguin W. L’Ukraine, la Russie et les Puissances de l’Entente. — Berne, 1918.

Choulguin W. La Societe des Nationa et les refugies ukrainiens. — Par., 1929.

Choulguin W. Le probleme de l’Ukraine. — Par., 1919.

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Ciechanowski J. Defeat in Victory. — N.–Y., 1947.

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Cleinov G. Das Problem der Ukraine. — Wien, 1915.

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Cobbal A. The Crisis of Civilisation. — Lon., 1949.

Coudenhove–Kalegri R. N. Pan–Europe. — N.–Y., 1926.

Coughlin J. F. Ukrainians. — Tor., 1945.

Couns G. S. The Soviet System of Mind Control. — Boston, 1949.

Couithney W. L. The Literary Man’s Bible. — Lon., 1907.

Cowdry E. M. Human Biology and Racial Welfare. — N.–Y., 1930.

Cowley A. E. The Hittites. — Lon., 1920.

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Craven E. Journey Through the Crimea to Constantinople. — Lon., 1789.

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Czechowicz P. Die innere Kolonization in Russland. — B., 1929.

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