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gratitude. The Sun, 385, січень 2008. Джерело: thesunmagazine.org/issues/385/through _a_ glass_darkly.

26 Greenspan, M. (2003). Healing through the dark emotions: The wisdom of grief, fear, and despair. Boston: Shambhala Publications.

27 Death of a genius: His fourth dimension, time, overtakes Einstein. (1955) Life 38, 18: 61—64.

28 Gruber, M. J., Gelman, B. D., and Ranganath, C. (2014). States of curiosity modulate hippocampus- dependent learning via the dopaminergic circuit. Neuron, 84, 2: 486—496; Kang, M. J., Hsu, M., Krajbich, I. M., Loewenstein, G., McClure, S. M., Wang, J. T., and Camerer, C. F. (2009). The wick in the candle of learning: Epistemic curiosity activates reward circuitry and enhances memory. Psychological Science, 20, 8: 963— 973; Leonard, N. H., and Harvey, M. (2007). The trait of curiosity as a predictor of emotional intelligence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37, 8: 1545—1561; Leslie, I. (2014). Curious: The de-sire to know and why your future depends on it. New York: Basic Books; Tough, P. (2012). How children succeed: Grit, curiosity, and the hidden power of character. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

29 Plomer, W. (1978). Electric delights. London: Jonathan Cape.

30 Gruber, M. J., Gelman, B. D., and Ranganath, C. (2014). States of cu-riosity modulate hippocampus-dependent learning via the dopa-minergic circuit. Neuron, 84, 2: 486—496.

31 Leslie, I. (2014). Curious: The desire to know and why your future de-pends on it. New York: Basic Books.

32 Loewenstein, G. (1994). The psychology of curiosity: A review and reinterpretation. Psychological Bulletin, 116, 1: 75—98.

33 Mizuta Masahide (1994). In The little Zen companion, comp. Schiller, D. New York: Workman Publishing.

34 В. van der Kolk, B. A. (2014). The body keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma. New York: Viking.

35 Angelou, M. (2008). Letter to my daughter. New York: Random House.

36 Bloniasz, E. R. (2011). Caring for the caretaker: A nursing process approach. Creative Nursing, 17, 1: 12—15; Gottschall, J. (2012). The storytelling animal: How stories make us human. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; Horowitz, S. (2008). Evidencebased health outcomes of expressive writing. Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 14, 4: 194—198; Park, C. L., and Blumberg, C. J. (2002). Disclosing trauma through writing: Testing the meaningmaking hypothesis. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 26, 5: 597— 616; Singer, J. A. (2004). Narrative identity and meaning making across the adult lifespan: An introduction. Journal of Personality, 72, 3: 437—460.

37 Dolores Jane Umbridge first appeared in the Harry Potter series as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in the fifth book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Rowling, J. K. (2003). Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix. New York: Arthur A. Levine Books.

38 The LEGO Movie, C. Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.

39 Super Soul Sunday (2013), сезон 5, епізод 7, програма з’явилася в ефірі 17 березня 2014 року. Harpo Productions.

40 sofrep.com/author/mark-miller.

41 Джерело: greatergood.berkeley.edu.

42 Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience. New York: Harper and Row.

43 The Principia: Mathematical principles of natural philosophy, trans. Cohen, I. B., and Whitman, A. Berkeley: University of California Press. First published in 1687.

44 The Empire Strikes Back: Lucas, G., Brackett, L., and Kasdan, L. (1980). Star Wars Episode V— The Empire Strikes Back. Lucasfilm, Ltd./20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.

Розділ 5. Осмислення

45 Atwood, M. (1996). Alias grace. London: Bloomsbury.

46 Thompson, H. S. (1988). Generation of swine: Tales of shame and degradation in the ’80s. Gonzo papers, том 2. New York: Summit Books.

47 Burton, R. A. (2008). On being certain: Believing you are right even when you’re not. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

48 Gottschall, J. (2012). The storytelling animal: How stories make us human. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

49 Lamott, A. (1995). Bird by bird: Some instructions on writing and life. New York: Anchor Books.

50 Pennebaker, J. W. (2004). Writing to heal: A guided journal for recovering from trauma and emotional upheaval. Oakland, Calif.: New Harbinger Publications.

51 Джерело: www.utexas.edu/features/2005/writing.

52 Crosby, D. (1982). “Delta,” on Daylight Again, Atlantic Records.

Розділ 6. Каналізаційні щури і порушники законів

53 Flushed Away: Clement, D., La Frenais, I., Lloyd, C., Keenan, J., and Davies, W. (2006). Flushed Away, directed by Bowers, D., and Fell, S. DreamWorks Animation and Aardman Animations.

54 Daring Greatly: Brown, B. (2012). Daring greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead. New York: Gotham Books. “Hallelujah”: Cohen, L. (1984). “Hallelujah,” Various Positions, Columbia Records

55 kellyraeroberts.com.

56 Didion, J. (2008). Slouching towards Bethlehem: Essays. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Уперше надруковано 1968 року видавництвом Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

57 www.brainpickings.org/ about. Попова надрукувала есе Дідіон із вищезазначеного видання. Popova, M. (2012). Joan Didion on self-respect. Джерело цитати: www.brainpickings.org/2012/05/21/ joan-didion-on-self-respect.

Розділ 7. Сміливість і розбите серце

58 Lewis, C. S. [Clerk, N. W., pseud.]. (1989). A grief observed. New York: HarperCollins. Уперше надруковано 1961 року видавництвом Faber.

59 Lamott, A. (1998). Crooked little heart. New York: Anchor Books.

60 Miyazaki, H. (2001). Spirited Away, H. Walt Disney Home Entertainment and Studio Ghibli.

61 www.forbes.com/ sites/mfonobongnsehe/2013/12/06/20-inspirational-quotes- from-nelson-mandela/

62 Green, J. (2012). The fault in our stars. New York: Dutton.

63 Bono, G., McCullough, M. E., and Root, L. M. (2008). Forgiveness, feeling connected to others, and well-being: Two longitudinal studies. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34, 2): 182—195; Larsen, B. A., Darby, R. S., Harris, C. R., Nelkin, D. K., Milam, P.-E., and Christenfeld, N. J. S. (2012). The immediate and delayed cardiovascular bene­fits of forgiving. Psychosomatic Medicine, 74, 7: 745—750; Worthington, E. L., Jr. (2006). Forgiveness and reconciliation: Theory and application. New York: Routledge; Worthington, E. L., Jr., Witvliet, C. V. O., Pietrini, P., and Miller, A. J. (2007). Forgiveness, health, and well-being: A review of evidence for emotional versus decisional forgiveness, dispositional forgivingness, and reduced unforgiveness. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 30, 4: 291— 302.

64 Tutu, D. M., and Tutu, M. A. (2014). The book of forgiving: The fourfold path for healing ourselves and our world. New York: HarperCollins.

65 Chödrön, P. (2001). The places that scare you: A guide to fearlessness in difficult times. Boston: Shambhala Publications.

66 Lewis, C. S. (1991). The four loves. San Diego: Harcourt Books. Уперше надруковано 1960 року видавництвом Harcourt, Brace.

Розділ 8. Довірливий простак

67 twitter.com/annela mott/status/529295149554487298.

68 Lerner, H. (2001). The dance of connection: How to talk to someone

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